Flat rate of interest Very often banks offer flat rate of interest to their consumers on products like credit cards and personal loans or other smaller loans. Flat rate of interest sounds good because the rates quoted by the banks are lower than the reducing balance interest rates and an average consumer understands the flat rate very easily. The simplest explanation - when you take a flat rate loan, you are asked to pay interest on the whole amount (principal) during the whole tenure of the loan even when the principal is gradually reducing during the term of the loan. Suppose you take a loan of 1 lakh rupees at 15% flat rate of interest for 1 year. The EMI or equal monthly loan installment that you pay consists of both interest and a part of the principal. So, as you pay the EMIs, the principal goes on reducing. However, even as the principal is reducing, you are still paying the interest on the whole amount (1 lakh rupees). Flat rate of interest is the interest charged on the full a...
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