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Showing posts from April, 2014

Companies Act 2013 - Private Placement and Share Application

Sec 42 of the Companies Act 2013 talks about PRIVATE PLACEMENT and SHARE APPLICATION AND ALLOTMENT. The section will have huge impact on a number of private companies who have been exploiting the share applications and transfers. Private Placement offer for maximum 200 persons in a financial year; Special resolution to be passed at a Members General Meeting for each offer; Issue Price justification required in Explanatory Statement to the Notice of Meeting; Minimum share application from each person to be Rs.20,000/- face value of shares; Fresh offer not allowed until allotment of previous offer completed; Share application Money cannot be received in cash; Separate bank account should be operated for receipt of share application money; Share Application money cannot be utilized for any purpose other than allotment; Allotment to be made within 60 days of receipt of share application money, or else to be refunded within 15 days of expiry of 60 days; In case of delay in r...

Companies Act 2013 - Financial Statements to include Cash Flow Statement and Statement for Changes in Equity

The financial statements would include Cash Flow Statements and A Statement of Changes in Equity. Sec 2(40) of the Companies Act defines Financial Statements as follows: “ financial statement ” in relation to a company, includes— (i) a Balance Sheet as at the end of the financial year; (ii) a Profit and Loss Account, (Income and Expenditure Account for not-for-profit companies) for the financial year; (iii) Cash Flow Statement for the financial year; (iv) a Statement of Changes in Equity, if applicable; and (v) any explanatory note annexed to, or forming part of, any document referred to in sub-clause (i) to sub-clause (iv): One Person Company, Small Company, Dormant Company are NOT required to prepaare Cash Flow Statement. Sec 2(85) defines Small Companies as: ‘‘small company’’ means a company, other than a public company,— (i) Paid-Up Share Capital does not exceed Rs 50 Lakhs   [or such higher amount as may be prescribed which shall not be more than ...