SEBI has made rules for valuation of securities by Mutual Funds. Lets look at the valuation Equity Securities for now.
Mutual funds shall categorise the securities according to the following norms
When a security (other than Government Securities) is not traded on any stock exchange on a particular valuation day, the value at which it was traded on the selected stock exchange or any other stock exchange, as the case may be, on the earliest previous day may be used provided such date is not more than thirty days prior to valuation date.
(i) Thinly Traded Equity/Equity Related Securities :
When trading in an equity/equity related security (such as convertible debentures, equity warrants, etc.) in a month is less than Rs. 5 lacs or the total volume is less than 50,000 shares, it shall be considered as a thinly traded security and valued accordingly.
Where a stock exchange identifies the "thinly traded" securities by applying the above parameters for the preceding calendar month and publishes/provides the required information along with the daily quotations, the same can be used by the mutual funds.
If the share is not listed on the stock exchanges which provide such information, then it will be obligatory on the part of the mutual fund to make its own analysis in line with the above criteria to check whether such securities are thinly traded which would then be valued accordingly.
In case trading in an equity security is suspended upto 30 days, then the last traded price would be considered for valuation of that security. If an equity security is suspended for more than 30 days, then the Asset Management Company/Trustees will decide the valuation norms to be followed and such norms would be documented and recorded.
(ii) Thinly Traded Debt Securities:
A debt security (other than Government Securities) that has a trading volume of less than Rs. 5 crores in the previous calendar month shall be considered as a thinly traded security based upon information provided by the relevant stock exchange on the volume of debt securities traded.
A thinly traded debt security as defined above would be valued as per the norms set for non-traded debt security.
When a security (other than Government Securities) is not traded on any stock exchange for a period of thirty days prior to the valuation date (instead of the existing provision of 60 days), the scrip must be treated as a ‘non traded’ security.
Non traded/ thinly traded securities shall be valued "in good faith" by the asset management company on the basis of the valuation principles laid down below :
(i) Non-traded / thinly traded equity securities:
(a) Based on the latest available Balance Sheet, net worth shall be calculated as follows :
(b) NET WORTH PER SHARE = [share capital+ reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) – Misc. expenditure and Debit Balance in P&L A/c] Divided by No. of Paid up Shares.
(c) AVERAGE CAPITALISATION RATE (P/E RATIO) for the industry based upon either BSE or NSE data (which should be followed consistently and changes, if any noted with proper justification thereof) shall be taken and discounted by 75% i.e. only 25% of the Industry average P/E shall be taken as capitalisation rate (P/E ratio). Earnings per share of the latest audited annual accounts will be considered for this purpose.
(d) The value as per the net worth value per share and the capital earning value calculated as above shall be averaged and further discounted by 10% for ill-liquidity so as to arrive at the FAIR VALUE PER SHARE.
(e) In case the EPS is negative, EPS value for that year shall be taken as zero for arriving at capitalised earning.
(f) In case where the latest balance sheet of the company is not available within nine months from the close of the year, unless the accounting year is changed, the shares of such companies shall be valued at zero.
(g) In case an individual security accounts for more than 5% of the total assets of the scheme, an independent valuer shall be appointed for the valuation of the said security.
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