through Futures / Forward contracts
With the business
environment getting increasing complex, profitability often depends on factors
that are beyond the control of an organisation like commodity prices, stock
prices, interest rates, exchanges rates, etc.
As a result,
modern business has been subjected to more complexity, uncertainty and risk.
Futures markets often permit managers to reduce or control risks through
hedging strategies.
In other
words, futures markets can provide the managers certain tools to reduce and
control their risks. Simply put Hedging
means reducing risk. It is the process of investment into securities (usually a
derivative) with the objective of reducing or controlling risk.
Examples of Hedging:
E.g. 1. Firm
A is a manufacturer of automobile cars in India and they import auto parts from
USA. Firm views that parts may increase in future and thereby increase the cost
of cars and this may significantly affect the profitability of the firm. So to
hedge risk of price increase firm A enters into derivatives futures contract by
locking today’s prices for imported parts.
E.g. 2. A
farmer expects that there will be 5000 quintals of foodgrain, which he will
harvest in coming month. He fears that price of food grain may fluctuate in the
coming month. He enters into derivative futures contract by delivering next
month at an acceptable price.
E.g. 3. A
corporate treasurer intends to borrow money in middle of March for a
three-months period. He may fear that interest rates will rise.
In other
words, a hedge is position that is taken as a temporary substitute for a later
position in another asset (or liability) or to protect the value of existing
position in an asset (or liability) until the position is liquidated.
In the month
of Sep, 2013 A jute mill anticipate a requirement of 10,000 candies of Jute in
the month of Dec, 2013.
price of Jute is Rs.1000 per candy. They buy 10,000 candies at Rs.1000 and enter
into forward contract (Short) to sell at Rs.1470 per candy.
profile on Dec, 2013
Jute purchased = Rs.1000 per candy
Jute proceeds (forward price) =
Rs.1470 per candy
Current market price (on Dec 2013) = Rs.1500
Net cost of
candy to mill = Rs.1030 (Rs.1000 + Rs.30)
Profit on
sale = Rs.440 per candy
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