A Reserve may be defined as a sum set aside out of the business
profits of a business unit. It is set aside with a view to providing for
unexpected or unknown future losses or for strengthening the overall financial
position of the unit.
The reserves represent undistributed profit of the business
so it is also classified under Retained Profits. It is an example of
Appropriation of profits and appears under the Liabilities (or Application of Funds)
in the Balance Sheet. Since it is created after ascertaining net profits, it
effectively does not reduce the profits of the business.
The main purpose of creating Reserves is to stabilise the
financial position of the business. The main objectives are:
- To strengthen the financial position of the business
- To increase the amount of working capital
- To meet future contingencies
- To acquire a asset for the business at a later date
- To meet any unknown liability or loss
Reserves are broadly classified as Capital Reserves and
Revenue Reserves.
Capital Reserves
are created out of the capital profits of the business and are sometimes
required to be created under some statute. For example, the Companies Act
requires some reserves to be created in case of issue of shares at a premium.
Other examples are when there is a gain on revaluation of assets, a revaluation
reserve is required to be created. These are not available for distribution to
shareholders in the normal course of business.
These are aimed at making the financial statements strong and
represents financial prudence.
Revenue Reserves
are created from normal business profits and are used to set aside funds in the
ordinary course of business. These can be used to pay dividends even if the
business runs a loss. Examples of Revenue Reserves include the Credit Balance
of Profit & Loss Account (also called the Income Statement) and General Reserves.
Thanks for the blog..