Valuation Ratios help us value a company in the simplest manner. This method of valuing companies is also called Relative Valuation. A valuation ratio is a measure of how cheap or expensive a security (or business) is, compared to some measure of profit or value. A valuation ratio is calculated by dividing a measure of price by a measure of value, or vice-versa. The point of a valuation ratio is to compare the cost of a security (or a company, or a business) to the benefits of owning it. The most widely used valuation ratio is the PE ratio which compares the cost of a share to the profits made for shareholders per share. The EV/EBITDA compares price to profits, but in a somewhat more complex manner. It compares the cost of buying the businesses of a company free of debt, to profits. Because someone buying a company free of debt would no longer have to pay interest, the profit measure used changes to profit before interest. It is also adjusted for non-cash items. Price...
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