Valuation Ratios help us
value a company in the simplest manner. This method of valuing companies is
also called Relative Valuation. A valuation ratio is a measure of how cheap or
expensive a security (or business) is, compared to some measure of profit or
value. A valuation ratio is calculated by dividing a measure of price by a
measure of value, or vice-versa.
The point of a valuation
ratio is to compare the cost of a security (or a company, or a business) to the
benefits of owning it.
The most widely used
valuation ratio is the PE ratio which compares the cost of a share to the
profits made for shareholders per share.
The EV/EBITDA compares price to profits, but in a somewhat more complex manner. It compares
the cost of buying the businesses of a company free of debt, to profits.
Because someone buying a company free of debt would no longer have to pay
interest, the profit measure used changes to profit before interest. It is also
adjusted for non-cash items.
Price/book value compares
a share price to the value of a company's assets. This ratio is generally only
important for certain sectors, such as property holding companies and
investment trusts. This is because investors buy shares for the cash flows they
will generate, and because asset values shown in the accounts usually reflect
the accrual principle rather than real economic value.
Similarly there are
various other valuation ratios that have evolved over time.
The most theoretically
correct way in which to value securities is to use a discounted cash flow. So
why do investors and valuers rely so much on valuation ratios? One advantage of valuation
ratios is that they are a lot simpler. The uncertainties around the numbers
used for a discounted cash flow means that it may not be any better in
It is also possible to
regard valuation ratios as a quick equivalent to a discounted cash flow.
Suppose one is comparing companies in the same sector, and they are broadly
similar businesses with very similar risks and the same expected rates of cash
flow growth. In that case a price/FCF will show the same companies as being
relatively cheap and expensive as a free cash flow DCF valuation will.
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